With the first Natural Capital Investment Plan being developed for Greater Manchester, this conference will explore how we can promote investment in opportunities that protect and enhance Greater Manchester’s natural capital to support a healthy population and economy.


The development of innovative finance models to support natural capital investment is a key aim of the Greater Manchester Urban Pioneer programme. This priority arises from the current challenge in which the management of natural capital draws upon a relatively limited suite of business models and financing strategies, including public sector grants and private developer investment.

To move forward in developing these models, the Greater Manchester Natural Capital Group engaged consultants Eftec, Environmental Finance and Countryscape to produce Greater Manchester’s first Natural Capital Investment Plan. The plan aims to broaden the range of potential sources of investment in natural capital increasing their accessibility to attract potential investors.


The purpose of the conference is to clarify and understand:

  • Why invest in natural capital and what is being done to support this?
  • What do organisations look for when investing in natural capital?
  • What are the most promising financing opportunities for Greater Manchester?
  • How can these be delivered and who needs to be involved?

There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion including a series of interactive seminars.

Speakers and contributors confirmed include:

  • Anne Selby, CEO, The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Lancashire
  • Emma Howard Boyd, Chair, Environment Agency
  • Louise Wilson, Co-founder and Managing Director, Abundance Investment
  • Ian Dickie, Director, Eftec
  • Dan Hird, Head of Corporate Finance, Triodos Bank
  • Jamie Mansfield, Co-founder and Director, Environmental Finance
  • David Hill, Chairman and co-founder, The Environment Bank
  • Louise Martland, Conservation Director, The Environment Bank
  • Chris Matthews, Head of Sustainability, United Utilities
  • James Airton, Natural Course Strategy Development Manager, United Utilities
  • Tom Curtis, Partner, 3Keel

Who should attend?

Please note that this event is free to attend and is aimed at professionals working in the environment, finance and public policy including investors, policymakers, land owners and managers, environmentalists and business executives.


Click here to find out more about the event and to book a place:


More information

Click on the link below to find out more information about the Greater Manchester Natural Capital Investment Plan:


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