Active, clean and green spaces for everyone
Our mission…
Greater Manchester is adopting a clear and ambitious approach to climate action with individual, community, educational and industry action at its heart.
One where we all take action – making better choices, investing in and embracing more sustainable businesses, lives and lifestyles.
View the five year environment planFeel inspired…
Helping to make Greater Manchester a world-leading Green City Region is our priority.
Our environment underpins all aspects of our daily lives. We face urgent and significant challenges presented by a changing climate that require us all to take action now if we are to achieve our goal of carbon-neutrality by 2038.
We work with the region’s leading businesses, community and voluntary, third sector and charity organistions, green influencers, schools and individuals to make a real change.
See how people and organisations across Greater Manchester are making a difference…
Take action…
To make a big change, we must all take small actions. Becoming greener and making an impact is easier than you might think. We have put together a range of blogs, articles, toolkits and checklists to help you make a start.
Click below to view resources such as toolkits, guides, podcasts and more:
The Five Year Environment Plan
We face major environmental challenges that threaten the health and prosperity of our region. Greater Manchester is taking action with the 5-Year Environment Plan, launched at in March 2019 during the second Greater Manchester Green Summit.
The plan sets out our long-term environmental vision – to be carbon neutral by 2038 – and the urgent actions we all need to take in the next 4 years to help achieve this.