If everyone in Manchester found a place for wildlife in their gardens it would create a nature reserve as wonderful as any in the UK.
That is the view of the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside as its launches its My Wild City initiative at the Mayor of Greater Manchester’s Green Summit.
The Wildlife Trust wants everyone to make their gardens into nature reserves, so that they can provide a network of streets, parks and towns offering homes for all kinds of wildlife.
Many species of bird have suffered because of dwindling green spaces, hedgehogs decline when there is no network of routes for them to hunt for food and bees and butterflies are facing crisis after crisis in our towns and cities.
Launching My Wild Garden, the first part of the My Wild City, Wildlife Trust Chief Executive Anne Selby said: “This is an opportunity for Manchester to lead the fightback for our urban wildlife, but we need the help of everyone who lives there.
My Wild City follows the success of similar initiatives in Bristol, Cardiff and London, but the local project is a long-term vision including every part of the community in Manchester and Greater Manchester.
To find out more about My Wild City visit their website at www.lancswt.org.uk/my-wild-city. Anyone keen to participate in My Wild Garden can get an introductory pack and get their name and pledge their support on the interactive map by going to the website www.lancswt.org.uk/my-wild-city.