Place – How do we deliver a greener city region?

Lead: University of Manchester/Southways Housing


The purpose of the ‘Place Listening Event’ is to adopt blue-sky thinking to explore innovative solutions for developing a greener city-region across Greater Manchester. Leading professionals from a variety of fields will present ‘snapshot soap-box’ proposals that are then discussed by all the event attendees to consider exciting and feasible ways of delivering high-quality multi-functional green spaces across the city. Discussion around each of the soapbox proposals will explore the challenges and opportunities of each proposal, explore opportunities for other ideas and shortlist the best ideas to take forward to help shape a greener Greater Manchester.

The event is one of a number of Listening Events being held in the run up to the Mayor’s Green Summit in March. These will feed into the Greater Manchester Environment Charter; which will be launched at the Mayor’s Green Summit as a call to action for the public sector, communities, businesses and voluntary organisations to deliver a thriving and sustainable city for the future. After the Summit, this will then lead to the production of a Post 2020 GM Environment Strategy.

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