Manchester has been given the honour of hosting the next International Forest School, Skogsmulle Symposium in June 2025.

In her own words, Shirley Johnson, a longtime supporter of Forest Schools, tells us the story of Skogsmulle and the many benefits being surrounded by nature can have on young children and their physical and mental well-being.  Shirley has been involved internationally for almost 30 years visiting settings in many countries, she believes that she’s now “in it for life”. 

The Skogsmulle Foundation is voluntary and not for profit.  It all started in the 1950s when a gentleman, Gösta Frohm, who was then an employee of the Swedish outdoor organisation, saw potential in the outdoors as a valuable and necessary pedagogical approach to young children’s learning. Over time, the approach developed and in the 1980s, two young mothers, created a kindergarten model in which activities, previously done indoors would be taken outdoors. One of these women, Siw Linde has remained an extremely valuable member of the organisation throughout her entire life and still enthusiastically attends all international events.

As the organisation developed, interest from other countries grew. Today, we have children being taught via the Skogsmulle approach in many different countries including Finland, Latvia, Germany, Russia, Japan, South Korea and Norway.  There is also interest from many other areas such as Canada and Barbados. For almost 30 years, the UK has also been gradually introducing children to Skogsmulle activities, and representatives from all four of the four nations have attended international events.

Our Manchester event will include opportunities to share research and ideas with our friends across the world. It will also be a rare occasion when we can network face to face with each other as one global community and have fun together. 

The motto of the Skogmulle organisation is “I Ur och Skur” which roughly translated means, “In rain and shine” reflecting the understanding that children can benefit and learn such a lot from being outdoors in all weathers. So if you are planning on joining us, be prepared to go outside!

There will be opportunities for discussion around current related issues for example, climate, sustainability, mental and physical health. The latter being a considerable concern for those working with young children.

The event will also be an opportunity for those unfamiliar with the concept of “Skogsmulle” to understand why such an approach works so well with young children. If we are very lucky, we may even get an opportunity to meet “Skogsmulle”.

So, what does Skogsmulle mean?

“Skog” is the Swedish word for forest and “Mulle” refers to a fictitious character, similar to a troll. As in many cultures, practitioners use fictional characters as not only a fun ‘way in’ but as a strategy to help children understand not only nature but often difficult concepts, such as ecosystems, caring for our planet and each other and many other worthwhile subjects.

Although Skogmulle himself focuses on forests, it is not necessary for children to have access to a forest especially in and around Greater Manchester, however we do have plenty of green space areas and opportunities for children to engage with nature.

We are keen to encourage anybody working with children, you do not have to be a teacher, to join us on our journey and extend a warm welcome to everybody so please consider joining us at this very special event next year.

Please save the dates:

June 10-12th 2025 | Venue: Luther King House, Manchester

Audience: Educators, childminders, anybody working with young children and their families, nature groups 

We have a now have a Facebook page where you can keep up with developments. Please ask to join: Manchester International Skogsmulle Symposium 2025

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