Representatives from across Greater Manchester’s environment, health, planning, utilities and transport sectors attended the conference, hosted by Manchester Museum, to share evidence for the many benefits found in connecting people with nature and to spark a debate around how we can connect people with nature in Greater Manchester in new and innovative ways.
The first of the day’s workshops was led by Jessica Thompson from City of Trees, who was representing Green Connections, a project that aims to connect people to the natural environment by encouraging them to explore and visit greenspaces across Greater Manchester.
The second workshop group was facilitated by Louise Marix Evens and Gill Fenna from Quantum Strategy and Technology, who used the occasion for delegates to share their environmental vision for Greater Manchester and spark a debate that might feed into the Mayor’s Green Summit.
Participants discussed what a ‘Green City’ might look like and what is stopping Greater Manchester from achieving this status, as well as what needs to happen to overcome any barriers and help us deliver our ambitious goals.
All of the day’s attendees were thoroughly engaged and their contributions will help to inform the Mayor’s upcoming Green Summit on March 21st.
All presentations and workshop outcomes from the day can be found here.
In the run up to the Green Summit, we also warmly welcome thoughts and ideas from the general public on changes necessary for Greater Manchester to achieve its climate change goals. You can have your say by completing this survey and getting involved in the conversation on twitter #GMGreenCity.
“It was great to be able to bring so many experts in nature together for the conference,” reflected Anne Selby.
“We had presentations from a number of existing projects already working hard in Greater Manchester to protect and improve Greater Manchester’s natural assets, and had the opportunity to exchange ideas around potential new projects. It was also lovely to hear that external speakers were impressed by our work in Greater Manchester!”
“Greater Manchester is a very exciting place to be just now,” added Krista Patrick, Natural Capital Coordinator from the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.