There’s never been a better time to switch to green heating: you could claim a £7,500 grant towards your heat pump through the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme.
This offer supports the Five Year Environment Plan for Greater Manchester, asking homeowners to make the transition to new, low carbon heating in their homes.
Some of the benefits include:
- Air-source heat pumps give you comfortable, consistent heating and hot water.
- Less energy: Heat pumps use 4x less energy than even the most efficient boilers to generate the same amount of heat.
- Less carbon: That efficiency means you’ll instantly slash your heat carbon footprint by 75%. Plus, they run on electricity, which gets greener every year.
- Less maintenance: A heat pump can last 20 years – about twice as long as a boiler.
To get an estimate and find out more visit GM Retrofit Portal.
GMCA also supports boiler replacement schemes offered by our partners: