The urban diffuse pollution resource is an online map-based tool that enables Local Authority officers, land managers and members of catchment partnerships to identify priority locations to enhance, or introduce, nature-based solutions to slow the flow of run-off between pollution hotspots and receiving water bodies.
The tool enables users to identify sites on Greater Manchester’s road network that are likely to contribute the largest amount of diffuse pollution. It brings together data on watercourse location, traffic density at peak hours and average speed data to predict levels of contamination from standing and slow-moving traffic. 250 diffuse pollution hotspots have been identified which are priority locations for the introduction of nature-based solutions to provide maximum benefit for the water environment.
The online resource is available here: Urban Diffuse Pollution Mapping (
Following production of the tool City of Trees and Mersey Forest looked at the top 100 pollution hotspots in more detail. Land ownership was determined and visits were made to the leading candidate sites. Additional information was gathered using the ArcGIS Field Maps app and detailed site assessment reports were produced for approx. 20 sites and are included in the attached report here.