Local Area Energy Programme – Strategic Outline Business Case

Summary SOBC covering the proposed approach to delivering the outcomes from the GM Local Area Energy Plan.

Greater Manchester School’s Guide to Solar PV

Solar PV is a source of renewable energy that can save you money on your electricity bills, protect you against future electricity price increases and reduce your carbon emissions. Solar PV can also be a valuable curriculum aide, bringing STEM and climate change action to life.

Greater Manchester Local Energy Market – Final Report

Summary report for the GM LEM

Wigan Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Wigan and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Trafford Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Trafford and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Tameside Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Tameside and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Stockport Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Stockport and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Salford Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Salford and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Rochdale Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Rochdale and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Oldham Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Oldham and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Manchester Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Manchester and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

Bury Local Area Energy Plan

This plan aims to define the extent of the transformation needed across Bury and provide a robust evidence base and plan to help engage businesses and citizens in accelerating towards GM’s carbon neutral goal.

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