Cycling for wellbeing – A view from SUEZ during National Bike Week 2021
Delivered by Cycling UK and with a theme of health and wellbeing this year, Bike Week celebrates all the amazing ways that cycling makes us feel physically, mentally, and emotionally
ReadGreening alleyways and upcycling bathtubs
Katy Jones, a member of Terrace Square Artists Project artists’ collective shares how she has worked with her neighbours to create a beautiful outdoor living space for their families, friends and wildlife in Moss Side and Rusholme’s once neglected alleyways.
ReadWant Not Waste – students leading sustainability
Holly shares with us all about Want Not Waste (WnW), a student project that has created a zero-waste shop and what they have been doing during lockdown and beyond.
ReadStockport Sewing Collective upcycle duvets into hospital scrubs
Sara Armstrong, area coordinator of High Lane Scrubbers, shares with us the amazing things the Stockport Sewing Collective, which the Scrubbers are part of, have been making during lockdown.
ReadReduce, reuse and reuse again
When it comes to toys – reduce, reuse, recycle is not enough. We must reduce, reuse and reuse again.
ReadBurnage Little Free Library
Find out how Helen has set up her own little library from her very home in Burnage.
ReadSustainable Shopping at Lentils and Lather
Our latest blog post is from Carl of Lentils and Lather eco-friendly and ethical superstore in Withington. Find out how Lentils and Lather is helping the community to use less plastic and shop more sustainably.
ReadBeginner’s Guide to Upcycling Furniture
Hannah from Tread Softly transforms unwanted furniture into beautiful one of a kind pieces. Hannah shares her upcycling tips with us on how to get started.
ReadPlastic Free Tips from @plasticreducer
Julie Lowe from Ashton-under-Lyne is passionate about reducing her household waste, especially plastic. In this guest blog post, Julie shares her story with us, as well as sharing her top 5 tips for going plastic free.