GM Green Summit Live Stream

Our in-person summit is back

18th October 2021
9am – 4:30pm
The Lowry, Salford Quays

Join us to see the inspiring work the city-region is taking on climate action and what we still need to do to meet our 2038 climate goal.

“Over the next decade, if we accelerate our response to the climate crisis, we can create thousands of good jobs, improve homes, overhaul our transport system and make this an even better place to live.”Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester.

Now in its fourth year, we are delighted to announce that the Greater Manchester Green Summit 2021 will be an in-person event at The Lowry, Salford Quays. Hosted by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham.

Greater Manchester has adopted a clear and ambitious approach to climate action with individual, community, educational and industry action at its heart. One where we all take action – making better choices, investing in and embracing more sustainable businesses, lives and lifestyles.

This year’s programme of events focuses on the actions we can all take to reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environment. The event will showcase many of the great actions that have been taken so far, what we can all achieve as a collective, given the right support, direction and funding to succeed and discuss the challenges and pace of change still required to reach our goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2038.

You’ll hear from inspiring individuals, community groups and businesses from across Greater Manchester as they share their experiences and the actions they have been taking throughout our city-region.

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The Summit is a great opportunity to meet and network with colleagues who share the same ideals and worries on the climate and to celebrate those people, community groups and organisations who are taking action and inspiring others to do the same.

Sessions will be based on key areas, including:

  • Environment through the ages – what does climate change mean for all of us?
  • Nature and green spaces including the Greater Manchester Environment Fund, social prescribing and community action.
  • Smart energy including the Green Homes Grant and community solar projects.
  • Waste and resources including the Recycle for Greater Manchester food waste campaign, renew shops and innovative local community projects.
  • Transport including active travel and public transport.
  • Research, innovation and creativity – the story far, green skills and planning for the future.

For information on travelling to the venue, COVID-19 safety measures/requirements and accessibility at the Lowry please visit:


Click on the events below to find out more about the session and the speaker.

Download Agenda [tribe_events view=”day” start_date=”18-10-2021″ end_date=”18-10-2021″]


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