It’s looking good for Greater Manchester to be one of the greatest refillable regions in the UK!
Aiming to drastically reduce plastic pollution GMCA have joined forces with Refill to make living with less plastic easier, where everyone in Greater Manchester can choose to reuse wherever they shop, eat and drink.
We’re growing our network of local refill schemes day by day – so whether you are here for a day trip or commuting it has never been easier to find places to shop, eat a drink near you, without the pointless plastic.
Take a look at our main Refill Greater Manchester page for more information.
Put your tap on the map
Lots of businesses have already joined the Refill revolution in Greater Manchester and you can too! By signing up as a Refill Station you’ll be helping to keep Britain hydrated and free of plastic pollution.
….Go on, join in and help to make Greater Manchester one of the greenest and healthiest city-regions.
If you’re a business with a tap and can offer free refills to the public, then all you need to do is add a few details to the Refill App. Once your station is live, you’ll be ready to welcome thirsty refillers and benefit from increased exposure and footfall as a result.
Plastic Free GM
Greater Manchester has launched the first city-region wide plan to drive down avoidable single-use plastics!
PlasticFreeGM asks businesses, organisations and individuals to pledge to take action to reduce avoidable single use plastics across Greater Manchester. PlasticFreeGM works with campaigning partners to provide information and advice to guide more sustainable choices. A number of sector specific campaigns are taking off to offer relevant support and information on reducing single use plastics.
Read more