Resource Library
Salford Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme
Decarbonising council-owned buildings through £5.2m government funding, delivered as part of the wider Greater Manchester Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.
ReadGuidance on submitting a planning application for an Air Source Heat Pump
Take a look at our guide to submitting a planning application for an air source heat pump.
ReadGood Practice Tips for Installing an Air Source Heat Pump
Take a look at our handy guide full of hints on tips on installing an air source heat pump.
ReadAir Source Heat Pumps: Myth Buster
Heat pumps have an important role to play in the transition to net zero, particularly in the residential sector where traditionally their market penetration has been low in the UK.
ReadManchester City Finance Lab Report
Report on proposals for the Lower City River Park, part of the Northern Gateway Joint Venture.
ReadStreet trees evidence database
The IGNITION nature-based solutions evidence base is a catalogue of evidence on the benefits of five different types of nature-based solution. This resource covers street trees.
ReadGreen spaces evidence database
The IGNITION nature-based solutions evidence base is a catalogue of evidence on the benefits of five different types of nature-based solution. This resource covers green spaces.
ReadSustainable drainage systems (SUDS) evidence database
The IGNITION nature-based solutions evidence base is a catalogue of evidence on the benefits of five different types of nature-based solution. This resource covers sustainable drainage systems.
ReadGreen Roof Benefits Calculator
The Green Roof Benefits Calculator has been developed to help property owners estimate the potential benefits and costs of installing green roofs using academic and open source data.
ReadEco-streets case study
Eco-Streets supports communities to transform unused outdoor areas into exciting green spaces which feature nature-based-solutions that help alleviate climate change.
ReadFinancing the Built Asset Adaptation Gap: Short Report
This report outlines the role of nature-based solutions in adapting built assets to climatic risks and the recommended next steps for the industry.