Stockport Homes Group first developed the pantry model and the social franchise is now run by a partnership between Foundations Stockport and Church Action on Poverty.

Your Local Pantry

Since launching in 2014, Stockport Homes Group and Foundations Stockport have successfully developed five ‘Your Local Pantry’ schemes across Stockport, with the initiative now being rolled out across the UK.

Find out more


Sown in Bolton

Everything you need to know about growing your own in Bolton

Food for life: Get togethers

Bringing people together through food

Sustain: Every Mouthful Counts

Food in city-based responses to climate and nature emergency


The Conversation

Allotments have been disappearing from cities – here’s why they are ripe for a comeback

Sustain: Food growing in parks

This guide shows how councils can take forward food growing in parks, using public assets to address local priorities.

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