Switching to an electric vehicle could save you money. Compared to petrol or diesel, electricity is less that a third of the cost. Find out if it’s right for you.
How to get started
You’re in charge: Going electric. Find out if going electric is right for you…
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Bringing everyone with you: In Conversation with Clean Air Ltd
Will Perrott, MD of Bolton manufacturer Clean Air Ltd, explains how his idea for an in-house ‘environmental committee’ has sparked a company-wide movement to become carbon neutral.
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Greater Manchester publishes Clean Air Plan, with over £120m secured to support vehicle upgrades
City-region today publishes its final Clean Air Plan, with an anticipated launch date of 30 May 2022 for the introduction of its Clean Air Zone.
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Let’s go for a walk or ride a bike!
Have fun, get fitter and discover some amazing places. It’ll make you feel good too!