Rain gardens, trees, green roofs and walls to the development of green spaces can all help to tackle the impacts of climate change and improve the health and wellbeing of your employees too

How to get started

The IGNITION project has published its first report for businesses, titled ‘Nature-based solutions to the climate emergency: The benefits to business and society’.

Find out more


Nature-based solutions to the climate emergency

This report is a curation of the existing evidence that demonstrates the economic, environmental and societal benefits that nature-based solutions provide.

Nature based Solutions for the Climate Emergency

Watch the online event which launched the IGNITION project’s first business-facing report, Nature-based solutions to the climate emergency.

The IGNITION Project

The IGNITION project is a ground-breaking project that aims to develop innovative financing solutions for investment in Greater Manchester’s natural environment. This investment will help to build the city region’s ability to adapt to the increasingly extreme impacts of climate change.

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