Crompton Moor Nature Recovery Project

We spoke to volunteers at Crompton Moor Nature Recovery Project in Shaw, Oldham to learn more about the brilliant work they are carrying out to help nature recover.

Local Nature Champions: Melanie Donovan, volunteer gardener and garden designer

In our next Local Nature Champions interview, we speak to volunteer gardener and gardener designer Melanie Donovan.

Red House Farm School Pilot Scheme

Red House Farm is a 57ha, Soil Association certified organic farm on the edge of Greater Manchester. As part of their Countryside Stewardship Scheme, a pilot project has been setup to assess the impact of bringing the same group of children to the farm, with visits taking place each half term.

Sea otter in water
Project blog: your feedback on the state of nature in Greater Manchester

In our latest Local Nature Recovery Strategy project blog, we explore feedback received from our recent project survey.

Broadbottom to Greenfield
Go green this summer with the GM Ringway walking trail

It’s never been easier for Greater Manchester’s residents and visitors to experience the region’s natural environment in a low-impact way, thanks to a new walking trail that is green in every way.

Little Green Sock Project woman ironing clothes
Local Sustainability Champion: Little Green Sock Project

From community groups and charities to businesses and schools, we believe that everyone has a role to play in helping Greater Manchester become carbon neutral by 2038. We are shining a spotlight on the passionate individuals who are already leading the way. We caught up with Catherine D’Albertanson, CEO of the Little Green Sock Project to find out how the R4GM Community Fund has helped to make a difference to their project…



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